New This Month
July 2020

July is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month.
Chiropractic care helps kids improve their range of motion, improve flexibility and endurance, and increase muscle tone and strength.
Give us a call today to schedule a consultation.
15% Off Colloidal Silver
One of our favorite immune support products is 15% off this month only!
Colloidal Silver manufacturers claim it is a "cure-all," boosting your immune system, fighting bacteria & viruses, and aiding in the treatment of shingles, herpes, eye ailments, prostatitis and so much more.
This month we are offering Natural Path Colloidal Silver for 15% off to support your wellness journey. Ask us today for more information about how Colloidal Silver can benefit you!

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

Deep tissue massage therapy offers many benefits, including (but not limited to) reduction in chronic pain, stabilization of blood pressure, improvement in flexibility and range of motion, relief from stress, and rehabilitation of injured muscles. All of these benefits can serve to further increase the function of your immune system, which is especially important this time of year. They can also allow you to move more freely and tolerate more exercise, which can strengthen bone at any age and help stave off age-related bone loss.

Walking Lunge Challenge

Challenge the family to our Walking Lunge Challenge.
Walking lunges make for a great active stretch of the hip flexors, so incorporate them into
your warmup or cooldown. Time to work those glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps!